
受到广大好评的《BLAZBLUE(苍翼默示录)》系列之“CENTRALFICTION(神观之梦)”。苍之物语完结篇,世界隐藏的真相即将揭开!,受到廣大好評的《BLAZBLUE(蒼翼默示錄)》系列之“CENTRALFICTION(神觀之夢)”。蒼之物語完結篇,世界隱藏的真相即將揭開!,$17.06.BlazBlue:ChronophantasmaExtend.Mar2,2016.-85%.$29.99.$4.49.BlazBlue:CrossTagBattle.Nov20,2019.-76%.$19.99.$4.79.BlazBlue:Calamity ...,Ahigh-speed2Dfighting...

Steam 上的BlazBlue Centralfiction


在Steam 購買BlazBlue Centralfiction 即可省下75%



$17.06. BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend. Mar 2, 2016. -85%. $29.99. $4.49. BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle. Nov 20, 2019. -76%. $19.99. $4.79. BlazBlue: Calamity ...

BlazBlue Centralfiction on Steam

A high-speed 2D fighting game combined with a breathtaking visual novel, the bookend to this chapter of the series breathes in new life...

Save 83% on BlazBlue Collection on Steam

The BlazBlue Collection is the complete collection that includes the entire BlazBlue franchise available on Steam. Enjoy the ultimate 2D fighting with charming ...

BlazBlue Centralfiction


Save 75% on BlazBlue Centralfiction on Steam

2017年4月26日 — Combining a 2D fighting game with a visual novel, the BlazBlue series continues on with massive fan support! The latest installation ...